The trouble with Ostarine: Jimmy Wallhead’s
16th March 2018
The Brazilian parliamentary inquiry into the running of the CBF wants to recall Marco Polo Del Nero over concerns that he misled it over foreign bank accounts. Last December Del Nero, who has been indicted by the United States Department of Justice over the FIFAGate corruption investigation, told the inquiry that he banking interests outside Brazil. However inquiry leader Romario (pictured), the former World Cup-winning striker, claims to have found documentary evidence to the contrary.
Del Nero, a former member of the executive committee of embattled world federation FIFA, was a close ally of predecessors Ricardo Teixeira and Jose Maria Marin. All three are subject to financial restitution claims from FIFA over their years in power. Brazilian media has reported that documents uncovered include an email in which Del Nero asks his son to meet a contact, named only Margarida, in Miami , concerning an account held locally at a branch of HSBC. At the time Del Nero was head of the Sao Paulo state federation.
The inquiry is also investigating the transfer of $6.4m from the 2014 World Cup local organizing committee to an Itaú Bank account in the US and $51,000 to an account in the Canary Islands. Gustavo Dantas Feijo, a CBF vice-president, is also being summoned before the inquiry over allegations that he received CBF funding for his campaign for Boca da Mata Prefecture. Currently, Feijó is mayor of Alagoas.
An email from Feijo has been found in which he asks Del Nero, then a CBF vice-president, for the money in June 2012 shorly aftr Marin had taken over as CBF president from Teixeira, who had fled to Miami under pressure over a string of financial scandals. Feijo’s election accounts do not refer to any donations from the CBF.
Marin is currently under house arrest in New York awaiting trial on FIFAGate corruption charges. Teixeira and Del Nero, as Brazilian citizens, cannot be extradited as long as they remain in Brazil.
• This article was originally published on Keir Radnedge’s internet site on 24 March 2016. To view the original, click here.
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