News 14 October 2015

Sports Integrity Briefs – 14 Oct. 2015

Mexico must publicise doping positives
• The Mexican national institute of transparency, access to information and publication of personal data (NACI) has ordered the national commission of physical culture and sports (CONADE) to publicise the number of athletes who have tested positive in doping controls over the last six years, but have also received grants and economic incentives.

Italian Serie B footballer corrupted 60 players
Carlo Gervasoni, an former Italian Serie B player, has said that he distributed money to over 60 players from what he describes as a ‘gypsy gang’ in order to fix games. “They would place their bets on Asian sites, where the money is harder to trace and the financial anomalies were not so easy to identify,” he told Gazetta dello Sport, adding that he changed the SIM card in his mobile phone “every 30 days” to reduce the chances of detection.

Venezuelan baseball player’s life ban overturned
• Venezuelan baseball player Alex Cabera (pictured) has had a lifetime ban imposed by the Mexican Baseball League (LMB) overturned at the Comisión de Apelación Antidopaje del Deporte (CAAD), according to local reports. It is understood that on 28 September, the CAAD ruled that the LMB had failed to justify the measure to its satisfaction.

Florida Gator suspended for doping
Florida Gators quaterback Will Grier has been suspended by the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) for one year after testing positive for a substance found in an over-the counter supplement. It is understood that Florida Gators, which released a statement about the suspension, plan to appeal.

Uruguay left player out due to corticosteroid readings
• The Uruguayan football association (AUF) did not select Egidio Arévalo Ríos for its match against Colombia on Tuesday, due to laboratory test results showing the player still had traces of corticosteroids administered to him on 12 September to relieve back pain, it announced in a statement. Uruguay won the Russia 2018 World Cup qualifier 3-0.

IOC gives Kuwait deadline for Olympic Charter compliance
• The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has given the Kuwait Olympic Committee (KOC) a deadline of 27 October to comply with the Olympic Charter. It is understood that the IOC is concerned about a new law which threatens the autonomy of sport and the independence of the country’s sports governing bodies.

Honduras club President charged with drug trafficking & money laundering
Yankel Rosenthal, President of Club Deportivo Marathon in Honduras, has been charged with drug trafficking and money laundering, reports the BBC.

CONMEBOL refuses to recognise Bolivian FA
CONBEBOL has refused to recognise the election of new members of the Bolivian football association’s (FBF) Executive Committee, according to local reports. As reported by the Sports Integrity Initiative in July, FBF President Carlos Chavez is suspected of bribing senior FIFA officials, and other FBF officials were later arrested in connection to the allegations.

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