Jonathan Taylor

Jonathan Taylor QC is a partner and head of the International Sports Group at Bird & Bird LLP. Jon acts for many sports governing bodies, drafting and enforcing their rules and defending them from legal challenge, including before the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Switzerland. With Liz Riley, he drafted the IAAF's new Eligibility Regulations for Female Competition (Athletes with Differences of Sex Development), was one of the participants in the IOC Consensus Meeting on Sex Reassignment and Hyperandrogenism (November 2015), and drafted the IOC's Model Transgender Regulations for International Federations (forthcoming). Jon chaired WADA’s Independent Observer Team at the 2016 Olympic Games, and he currently chairs WADA’s Compliance Review Committee, and is a member of the British Horseracing Authority’s Ethics Committee. Jon is also co-editor, alongside Adam Lewis QC, of Sport: Law & Practice (Bloomsbury 3rd Edn 2014).

All posts by Jonathan Taylor


Response to Open Letter from Sebastian Samuelsson

Dear Mr Samuelsson; Thank you for your letter of 3 January 2019. I am glad of the opportunity to address your concerns. First, the CRC has not ‘delayed the process’ or ‘dragged its feet’; and nor have we moved the goalposts. We have not come under any pressure from anyone...


IAAF response to article on its Differences of Sex Development Regulations

Dear Andy Thank you for agreeing to publish this reply on behalf of the IAAF to the two articles you have recently published on the IAAF’s Eligibility Regulations for the Female Classification (Athletes with Differences in Sex Development) (the ‘DSD Regulations’). Original article: Your original article, published on 30...

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