The trouble with Ostarine: Jimmy Wallhead’s
16th March 2018
The World Anti-Doping Agency confirms that it will review all evidence and take the necessary action related to today’s The Sunday Times article; which, alleges that British athletes are exploiting the opportunity of altitude training in Kenya to take prohibited substances supplied by Kenyan doctors. The article which was the result of a joint investigation with German broadcaster ARD, includes undercover video coverage claiming that Kenyan doctors are providing prohibited substances to British; as well as, Kenyan and other athletes. WADA has been in contact with UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) and are satisfied with the action they’re taking to quickly open an investigation in the interest of corroborating the evidence and investigating further.
“WADA is grateful to The Sunday Times and ARD for bringing the evidence to UKAD’s attention,” said Olivier Niggli, Director General, WADA. “As UKAD is actively investigating the matter of British athletes, I have been in touch with their Chief Executive, Nicole Sapstead, to offer WADA’s support as the situation evolves,” he continued. “I have full confidence that UKAD is addressing the matter with the necessary urgency and rigor,” Niggli said. “In due course, WADA will be reviewing the evidence that UKAD compiles and taking the necessary action to ensure the protection of clean sport,” Niggli continued.
“On the broader topic of Kenya, this article is one in a series of reports questioning Kenya’s ability to effectively address doping; and, suggesting that there exists a culture of doping in the country,” said Niggli. “Once WADA has had the opportunity to review the evidence from UKAD’s investigation, we will be better positioned to determine what action is required to address the allegations,” he continued. “At the very least, this is an indication that the Kenyan government must quickly put the necessary human resources behind Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK) in the interest of protecting clean sport.”
On 12 May 2016, WADA’s Foundation Board declared ADAK non-compliant with immediate effect. The Kenyan authorities had been given a series of deadlines to introduce a parliamentary bill, policy and rules for ADAK; however, following a 2 May meeting, WADA’s independent Compliance Review Committee (CRC) confirmed that the outstanding issues had still not been addressed and so made the recommendation of non-compliance to the Board. As in all cases of non-compliance, WADA has handed the decision over to its stakeholders, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and UNESCO for their consideration and action.
• This media release was originally published on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) internet site on 10 July 2016. To access the original, please click here.
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