16 October 2017

WADA to hold Foundation Board Meeting on 16 November

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) announces that the Agency’s Foundation Board Meeting will be held on 16 November 2017 in Seoul, South Korea; and that, the full-day event will be open to the media as per WADA’s Statutes. The Meeting, which will be chaired by WADA President, Sir Craig Reedie, will open with an update from WADA Director General, Olivier Niggli; in particular, regarding the series of recommendations endorsed by the 20 November 2016 Board concerning compliance, governance and the laboratory accreditation process.

Thereafter, the day will include updates from WADA’s Committee Chairs; in particular, from WADA’s Athlete Committee; the independent Compliance Review Committee, with recommendations related to the compliance status of certain World Anti-Doping Code signatories – most notably Russia; the Health Medical and Research Committee; and, the Education Committee. Members will also be informed regarding a broad range of operational developments related to the World Anti-Doping Code; and, as it relates to Finance, be asked to approve the 2018 budget and discuss longer-term budgetary plans.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Sir Craig Reedie and Olivier Niggli will hold a Media Conference that will provide members of the media with the opportunity to discuss the Meeting’s outcomes and other anti-doping-related matters. WADA’s 38-member Foundation Board is composed equally of representatives from the Olympic Movement and Governments. The Agency’s 12-member Executive Committee, which is composed similarly, will hold a meeting on 15 November that is not open to the media.

• This media release was originally published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on 16 October 2017. To access the original, please click here.

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