Press releases 18 May 2015

WADA Foundation Board Reviews Code Compliance Activities

• Six Signatories declared non-compliant

• Ankara and Rio Laboratories granted WADA accreditation


The WADA Foundation Board received a progress report on Code implementation and compliance at its bi-annual meeting in Montreal on 13 May. The Board also approved the accreditation of anti-doping laboratories in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) and Turkey (Ankara). “The WADA Foundation Board held a very productive meeting in Montreal today, at which the important matters of the World Anti-Doping Code’s implementation and laboratory accreditation were discussed in full,” said WADA President, Sir Craig Reedie.

Following a discussion on the status of Code implementation, the WADA Foundation Board declared six signatories non-compliant with the revised World Anti-Doping Code. These signatories are the following National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs) and National Olympic Committees (NOCs) acting as NADOs: El Salvador (NADO), Guinea-Bissau (NOC), Haiti (NOC), Korea, DPR (NOC), Sierra Leone (NOC) and Virgin Islands (U.S.) (NOC). They were deemed non-compliant, having failed to provide WADA with draft rules or any information about their rules drafting process.  As stipulated in Article 23 of the World Anti-Doping Code, WADA shall report the declarations of non-compliance to the required governments and the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

“Under the revised Code, athletes worldwide rely on top class anti-doping operations; and, as such, it is vital that we see consistent and quality rules practiced in every nation and every sport,” added Reedie. “I am pleased to see that the overwhelming majority of organizations have put the required rules in place. However, the Foundation Board learnt today that there are still six signatories that have not yet done so, and as such these signatories have been declared non-compliant. It will now be the responsibility of the governments in those countries and the IOC to decide on the consequences of non-compliance. Meanwhile, we at WADA will continue dialogue with all our partners so that quality rules can be put in place at the earliest opportunity.”

Laboratory Accreditation

At its meeting on Tuesday 12 May, WADA’s Executive Committee also granted reaccreditation to the Laboratorio Brasileiro De Controle De Dopagem (LBCD) Laboratory in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and, the Turkish Doping Control Center (TDKM) Laboratory in Ankara, Turkey; and this, after both laboratories completed the required remedial work stipulated in the International Standard for Laboratories (ISL).

As part of the reaccreditation process, both laboratories were subject to multiple site visits; participation in WADA’s External Quality Assessment Scheme monitored by the WADA Laboratory Expert Group; and ISO assessment by independent accreditation bodies. Additionally, the University of Chile Laboratory in Santiago was granted WADA Candidate Laboratory Status by the Foundation Board. There are now 34 WADA-accredited laboratories worldwide.

Code Implementation and Compliance

As part of the 2015 Compliance Activities Plan, the recently-formed independent Compliance Review Committee – whose role it is to advise the Board on compliance matters – updated the Foundation Board on progress made by signatories in Code and Standards implementation. WADA continues to work closely with all signatories, and those  with rules still in progress. WADA is continuing to maintain an open dialogue with all organisations so that any necessary remedial measures can be put in place and, where still required, compliant rules can be installed as soon as possible.

Research Advances

Under the WADA-IOC Special Research Fund, WADA has received matching funds of US$1,587,975 to date. The Foundation Board was reminded of the commitment made by governments and the IOC to the potential US$12 million fund, and that US$1 million of the fund would be dedicated to social science research.

Separately, it was confirmed that grants totaling US$155,000 had been approved for target social science research projects under the 2015 Social Science Research Grant Program (SSRGP). These grants will fund a resource kit for teachers as well as two research topics that explore the globalization and commercialization of sport, and further examination of the gateway to doping.

Other Matters

The Board approved 2014 year-end accounts and discussed preliminary planning for the 2016 budget. Significant updates were also provided on Education, Health and Medical Research.

The Board also received reports on the highlights of the role of WADA’s Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS) in promoting efficiency in the fight against doping in sport. Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) are encouraged to use ADAMS to improve intelligence collection, to better understand how and when to grant Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs), and to ensure recognition and active review of TUEs granted. It was confirmed that the new ADAMS will be launched at the end of 2016.

• This media release originally appeared on the WADA internet site on 13 May 2015. To access the original, please click here.

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