The trouble with Ostarine: Jimmy Wallhead’s
16th March 2018

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to provide you with an update regarding the development of our new Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (the new ADAMS).
1. New ADAMS Consultation Process: Stakeholder Feedback
We wish to thank all those who took the time to provide WADA with feedback on ADAMS during the consultation process that we ran at the end of 2014 which included athletes, anti-doping organizations and wada-accredited laboratories. As promised at that time, we attach a summary of the feedback, which is proving instrumental to building the new and improved ADAMS.
2. New ADAMS User and Testing Group: Mandate and Composition
We are also pleased to announce that a new ADAMS User and Testing Group has been established to engage and reflect the views of ADO, laboratory and athlete users. Specifically, the ad hoc group’s objectives/key activities are to:
• Provide expert guidance on the functional areas of development of the new ADAMS with particular reference to prioritizing possible enhancements;
• Cooperate with WADA’s internal group to identify ways and means of addressing specific challenges in anti-doping that the new ADAMS will seek to address; and
• Provide technical user testing feedback to see that all business requirements are implemented satisfactorily and that the new ADAMS versions are fit for purpose.
The diverse group is composed of representatives from the following organisations:
• Cycling Anti-Doping Foundation
• International Ski Federation
• SportAccord
• International Tennis Federation
• World Rugby
• Japan Anti-Doping Agency
• UK Anti-Doping
• Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport
• Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority
• Anti-Doping Norway
• WADA Accredited Laboratory (Montreal)
• WADA Accredited Laboratory (Lausanne)
3. New ADAMS: Contract Signed with Developer, R3D
Finally, we wish to announce that, on 13 February 2015, WADA signed the new ADAMS contract with R3D, a Montreal-based, international IT Consulting Firm. R3D is responsible for developing an application that is tailored to WADA’s stakeholder requirements. Specifically, it is to be focused on ergonomics; best practice; security and confidentiality; process and data model optimization; and performance.
The new ADAMS project, which was initiated in July 2014 and will go live by end-2016, is being developed with an athlete-centered approach and will provide users with:
• an optimized user interface, along with improved performance and functionality;
• an investigation platform (in line with the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code); and
• a universal interface to allow organizations to extract information from, or feed to ADAMS.
For more information regarding ADAMS, please consult WADA’s Web site. Should you have questions specific to the new ADAMS, please feel free to contact us.
• This media release was originally published on WADA’s internet site on 23 March 2015. To access the original, please click here.
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