Press releases 23 August 2016

Masrahi receives four year ban following EPO positive

Based on the Resolution of the Saudi Anti-Doping Hearing Panel, the Saudi Arabian Anti-Doping Committee would like to announce the release of its disciplinary resolution against an athlete for an anti-doping rule violation, which detailed as below:

Athlete’s name Yousef Ahmed Masrahi
Sport Athletics
Team Saudi National Team
Date of testing 15/06/2016
Type of testing Out-of-Competition
A Sample Result received 08/07/2016
Athlete notified of Sample A result 11/07/2016
Date of provisional suspension 14/07/2016
B Sample open and analysis 20/07/2016
B Sample result received 26/07/2016
Athlete notified of Sample B result 27/07/2016
Laboratory The WADA-Accredited Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory (SMRTL) at Salt Lake-USA
Violation (Presence of a Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites in an Athlete’s Sample), which is the violation of Article 2-1 of Saudi Anti Doping Rules in SPort
Prohibited Substance Erythropoietin (EPO)

SAADC, has given the athlete a chance to attend a hearing session and open the B sample. The athlete requested to analyze the B Sample, the results of which confirmed the analysis results of A Sample. All the A & B Samples Lab Documentations were handed over to the athlete. Then, SAADC held a hearing with the athlete on 07/08/2016, during which all related documents and procedures were reviewed. The athlete statements were taken, while giving him an opportunity to exercise his full right in defending himself. All legal procedures were carried out in accordance with the international regulations. The Saudi Anti-Doping Hearing Panel issued the following decision:

1. Imposition of 4-year Ineligibility period on Athlete/ Yousef Ahmed Masrahi; of the Saudi National Athletics Team from participation in and out of competitions effective from the date of the date of the provisional suspension (14/07/2016) based on Articles 2-1, 2-1-1, 10-2-1, and 10-2-1-1 of the Saudi Anti-Doping Rules in Sport.

2. Athlete’s return to training shall be in the last two months of the Ineligibility period according to Article 10-12-2 of the Saudi Anti-Doping Rules in Sport.

It should be known that this resolution is subject to appeal within 21 days of its date according to article 13 of the Saudi Anti-Doping Rules in Sport.

The above procedure and sanction had been reported to both the Saudi Arabian Athletics Federation and the IAAF to approve implementation.

• This media release was originally published by the Saudi Arabian Anti Doping Committee on 9 August 2016. To view the original, please click here.

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