Press releases 22 February 2016

IAAF suspend Isaac Mwangi, CEO of Athletics Kenya

The Chairman of the IAAF Ethics Board (formerly Ethics Commission), Michael Beloff QC, has today provisionally suspended Mr Isaac Mwangi, CEO of Athletics Kenya, from all offices or positions in either Athletics Kenya or the IAAF in the interests of the integrity of the sport.

Mr  Mwangi  is  provisionally  suspended  from  any  office  or  position  in  either Athletics Kenya or the IAAF which he presently holds and is precluded from assuming any new office or position in either organisation for a period of 180 days starting on 22 February 2016, pending investigation of a complaint made against him and information that the IAAF Ethics Board has seen.

The Chairman of the Ethics Board has imposed this Order for Provisional Suspension  having  carefully  considered  the  information  referred  to  the  Ethics Board, which discloses a prima facie case, i.e. a case warranting investigation, against Mr Mwangi in relation to potential subversion of the anti-doping control process in Kenya.

The  Ethics  Board  stresses  that  the  imposition  of  an  Order  for  Provisional Suspension in this case in no way prejudges the outcome of the investigation which will now be carried out by the Board’s appointed investigator, Mr Sharad Rao. Mr Mwangi remains presumed innocent until the outcome of the investigation and the determination   of   any   disciplinary   charges   which   may   follow   from   that investigation.

The Ethics Board’s appointed investigator, Mr Sharad Rao, is a former Director of Public Prosecutions in Kenya and the current Chairman of the Judges and Magistrates Vetting Board, established under the Constitution of Kenya. Mr Rao is also a member of the Court of Arbitration for Sport and of the Code of Conduct Commission of the International Cricket Council.


• This media release was originally published on the International Association of Athletics Federations – Ethics Board‘s internet site on 22 February 2016. To access the original, please click here. 

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