30 September 2021

FIFA Anti-Doping Report 20/21: no positives from 602 samples

FIFA collected samples in relation to five tournaments (click to open)…

FIFA recorded no positive tests (or adverse analytical findings – AAFs) from 602 samples collected from 354 tests on players during the period from July 2020 to June 2021, its annual Anti-Doping Report (below) reveals. It did record one atypical finding (ATF), however FIFA determined that meat contamination was the most likely explanation, the ATF did not progress into an AAF, and the case was closed. Under the World Anti-Doping Code, an ATF is defined as a report from a Laboratory or other anti-doping organisation (ADO) that requires further investigation before an AAF for a prohibited substance can be determined.

The 602 samples involved 322 collected in competition (IC) at five tournaments, and 280 collected out of competition (OOC). Of the total, 357 samples were urine; 165 were blood; and 80 were collected for the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP). However, there were gaps in testing due to the impact of Covid-19. 

Covid-19 meant gaps in FIFA’s testing programme (click to open)…

During 2020, FIFA only collected samples during October and November. This year, samples were only collected in February, March, and June. The 602 samples collected by FIFA doesn’t represent all the samples collected in football, since samples are also collected by other bodies that organise football competitions.

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