Emilio Garcia

Emilio García is a doctor in law and Head of Disciplinary and Integrity at UEFA. Before joining UEFA, he was the Spanish Football Federation’s legal director (2004–12) and an Arbitrator at the CAS (2012–13). He also acted as main counsel for UEFA in Klubi Sportiv Skënderbeu v UEFA (CAS 2016/A/4650).

All posts by Emilio Garcia


UEFA’s betting fraud detection system: How does the CAS regard this monitoring tool?

UEFA’s Head of Disciplinary and Integrity, Emilio García, assesses how the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has assessed UEFA’s Betting Fraud Detection System (BFDS) as providing proof that match-fixing has taken place. In this article, originally published on the Asser International Sports Law Blog, García draws an interesting parallel between...

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