The trouble with Ostarine: Jimmy Wallhead’s
16th March 2018

The Turkey Anti-Doping Commission (TADC), Anti-Doping Norway (ADN) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) have signed a three-year co-operation agreement. Anti-Doping Norway will assist and advice TADC in order for them to establish and implement a fully effective anti-doping programme in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code.
“It is very gratifying to lend our support to other nations through the sharing of knowledge and experience. We are glad and thankful to have the opportunity to co-operate with Turkey, and to contribute to the development of the Turkish NADO and their anti-doping systems”, said Anti-Doping Norway’s Special Adviser, Rune Andersen. WADA’s role will be to ensure the Turkish NADO has a comprehensive understanding of the World Anti-Doping Code and International Standards and to assist with their implementation of the project.
“As the independent monitor of the global fight against doping in sport, WADA strongly encourages the implementation of partnerships to develop anti-doping capacities in countries and regions of the world that require assistance,” said Rob Koehler, WADA’s Senior Director, Education and NADO/RADO Relations. “We are therefore pleased that Anti-Doping Norway shares its expertise with other National Anti-Doping Organisations in various regions of the world. Turkey is a country with a rich sporting history, and so we look forward to playing our part in this three-year partnership.”
The scope of the agreement includes the establishment of a National Anti-Doping Organisation in Turkey, the development of national rules and regulations, and the development and implementation of an anti-doping program that includes testing, Therapeutic Use Exemptions, Intelligence and Investigations, Results Management, and Information and Education activities. “We are happy to have Anti-Doping Norway and WADA on board, and are looking forward to this co-operation that will help us improve our anti doping strategies, and ensure the compliance of anti doping structure in Turkey with International Standards and contribute to protecting the rights of clean athletes. We also intend and plan to give support to the anti doping efforts of other countries in our region in the latter stages of the project,” said the General Director of the Turkish Anti-Doping Commission Prof. Rüştü Güner.
The Turkey Anti-Doping Commission (TADC) is currently responsible for the implementation of all anti-doping activities throughout Turkey. Anti-Doping Norway (ADN) has since 2003 been the organization responsible for anti-doping in Norway, and has accrued extensive anti-doping experience on both a national and international level. The World Anti-Doping Agency is the international, independent organization responsible for monitoring, coordinating and promoting the fight against doping in sport, and is the guardian of the World Anti-Doping Code, the document that harmonizes anti-doping rules worldwide.
• This media release originally appeared on the WADA internet site on 17 April 2015. To access the original, please click here.
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